Before the
definition, we must know what a heritage is.
It’s the conjunction of goods and
rights that a person have just for being part of a community or belong to a
determinate social circle; or, in some cases, for inheritance. By
this last one, humanity had different kinds of legacies and for this exist a
classification of the heritage
Natural Heritage: This is formed by
all those natural monuments that were created by the nature and acquired
esthetic and scientific worth.
Natural monuments created with
physical and biological formation or groups with those formations that have a
great universal worth in an esthetic or scientific point of view
Geological and physiographic
formations and zones tightly delimitated that constitute the habitat of
different animal and vegetal species on the verge of extinction.
Cultural Heritage: it’s the
inheritance received of our ancestors that becomes their testimony of their
existence, vision of the world, living way and how they were; and it’s also
their legacy for the future generations
Is divided in:
Tangible Movable Heritage
Those that have a handmade or
folkloric origin and constitute important collections for science, art history
and the country’s cultural diversity. Typified by mobile objects that keep some
meaning for the community like objects with archeological (works of art,
manuscripts, documents, historical artifacts), historic, scientific and
artistic worth.
Tangible Immovable Heritage
These are works that for the sizes
or the weigh are typified by their immobility like monuments, cultural
landscape, archeological zones, historical places or monuments, architectonical
conjunctions, non natural scientific collections and engineering works.
Intangible Heritage
It’s the invisible part that belongs
to the spirit in any culture formed by the language, customs, traditions,
legends, myths, music and poetry. In general, the way of life and the
traditional technologies of the land.
Maria Vidaña
Good morning MariFer:
ResponderEliminarThank you for posting your translation. Good job!
Rememnber to do post-reading once you finished writing down some info in order to check any possible mistakes: ..a person HAS...; there EXISTS...; received FROM..., IT IS divided
Hope you enjoy your holidays surrounded by your dear family.
Best wishes
Mrs. Zetina
7 points